I am in the final year of my Ph.D. life at Zhejiang University and deeply enjoying it. I am trying to solve any interesting problems in the presence of more secure and useful database systems and also other applications. In the past four years, I learned many techniques for the goal mentioned earlier including order-preserving encryption, oblivious RAM, homomorphic encryption, and functional encryption. I like to collaborate with different people to study different problems, so please feel free to reach me if I can help you.

🔥 News

  • 2024.04:  🎉🎉 My paper “On the Interoperability of Encrypted Databases” is accepted by TDSC 2024.
  • 2024.03:  🎉🎉 My paper “Secure and Practical Functional Dependency Discovery in Outsourced Databases” is accepted by ICDE 2024.
  • 2023.07:  🎉🎉 My paper “Frequency-revealing Attacks against Frequency-hiding Order-preserving Encryption” is accepted by VLDB 2023.

📝 Publications (Conference)

📝 Publications (Journal)

📖 Educations

  • 2020.09 - 2024.09 (now), Zhejiang University, College of Computer Science and Technology, Cyberspace Security, Ph.D. candidate.
  • 2016.09 - 2020.06, Zhejiang University, School of Mathematics Science, Information and Computing Science, Bachelor.

💻 Ongoing work

  • 2023.12 - now, I am working on some interesting questions about this paper: ‘Compressed Oblivious Encoding for Homomorphically Encrypted Search’.

🍓 Friends

Recommend some of my friends. They are talented and amazing!

  • DalaoRui Zhang
  • ddw!!!E0
  • My dear engineer (笑)Hao Lu
  • The cryptographer (真不敢相信我能和cryptographer做朋友,再笑)Zhelei
  • My best gifted junior female schoolmate🐳
  • hxd (全仰仗您!)Daokun


  • VLDB Journal
  • ACM Transaction on Storage (TOS)

🎁Recommeded Videos

  • 机智的医生生活 (翼俊粉)
  • 三流之路
  • 知否知否 (长假必刷)
  • 神探夏洛克
  • 流星
  • 度华年 (痴迷片尾曲风吹)